DIY Cornhole Boards (AKA: Making your husband happy)

So, my husband's weekend away with the guys was fast approaching and he decided they must have a cornhole set for their big getaway. Now, I've been to parties where the game was played and remembered the flimsy sets you can buy at the sporting good stores, and knew those bad boys wouldn't hold up to a weekend of drinking beer and tossing bean bags. In so many words, he said to "get on it". That was translated as, "get your butt in the garage and make me a sturdy cornhole game in the limited time you have." :)

Whenever I take on a new DIY project, I scour the internet for tutorials. I read quite a few of them and often take a little bit of information from each. But I settled on one cornhole board tutorial because it was so complete. You can find the link to the tutorial right here.

I have to say . . . . . he was happy.

This particular tutorial had the legs going back at quite the angle to avoid collapsing legs during play. Wouldn't want to mess with the scoring.

Well, I just couldn't keep it white, now could I?!? Some painters tape and you've got stripes.

Handles are necessary as these bad boys are heavy. Making jute rope handles is super easy.

 I used my Silhouette Cameo to create the stencil for the scorecard. Drilled holes and golf tees got the job done.

I screwed a little storage cup on the underside of one board to store the golf tees for scoring.

I purchased the bean bags from this retailer on

The boys enjoyed themselves, and my husband sent me some camera phone photos as proof.

Now to practice on my cornhole skills. :)

Have a great day,


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