The Most Magical Place in the World
Our family just returned home from visiting the most wondrous and magical place in the world. And I hope you never have to go there. Before you start thinking about what a wack-job I am, the place I am referring to is a wish granting resort. It caters to families who have children with terminal illness or life-threatening ailments. So, I do hope you never have to go. We are grateful that Jack's leukemia is in remission and we waited until he felt healthy enough for such a trip. But if you have a child who unfortunately has to deal with what no child should have to, and they are granted a wish from the many wish-granting organizations, like Make-A-Wish, and they dream of going to Disney World, I hope you get a chance to stay at Give Kids The World. You see, one person can make a difference. Henri Landwirth , an amazing man and Holocaust survivor, is the founder of Give Kids The World, a resort where these children and their families are treated like royalty....